Saturday, October 27, 2007

Answers Better Than My Best

I pr-yed for strength, and then I lost awhile
All sense of nearness, human and divine ;
The love I leaned on failed and pierced my heart,
The hands I clung to loosed themselves from mine ;
But while I swayed , weak, trembling, and alone,
The everlasting arms upheld my own.

I pr-yed for light ; the sun went down in clouds,
The moon was darkened by a misty doubt,
The stars of heaven were dimmed by earthly fears,
And all my little candle flames burned out ;
But while I sat in shadow,wrapped in night,
The face of Ch-ist made all the darkness bright.

I pr-yed for peace,and dreamed of restful ease,
A slumber free from pain, a hushed repose;
Above my head the skies were black with storm,
And fiercer grew the onslaught of my foes;
But while the battle raged,and wild winds blew,
I heard his voice and perfect peace I knew.
I thank you, L-rd , you were too wise to heed
My feeble pr-yers, and answer as I sought,
Since these rich gifts your bounty has bestowed
Have brought me more than all I asked or thought;
Giver of good, so answer each request
With your own giving, better than my best.

- Annie Johnson Flint